1.85 Patch This patch will update RPG Maker 2000 to the latest version. (rm2k_1.85.zip)
Help File (rm2k_helpfile.zip)
If you don't have RPG Maker 2000's Help File, download it here, it is far more valuable than any tutorial.
RTP (rm2k_rtp.zip)
This installer is needed for RPG Maker 2000 to work, as it holds many necessary files and resources.
RTP 1.32 Addon (rm2k_rtpe.zip)
This installer updates your RPG Maker 2000's Run Time Package so that it contains more resources, (RTP must be installed first).
Harmony.DLL (rm2k_harmony.zip)
A very important file that is essential for RPG Maker Games to work, if a "Harmony.DLL not found" error occurs, this is what you need.
Fonts (rm2k_fonts.zip)
Extract these fonts into your C:\Windows\Fonts folder if the text in your game looks squashed together/unreadable.

1.08 Patch (rm2k3_1.08.zip)
This patch will update RPG Maker 2003 to the latest version.
Help File (rm2k3_helpfile.zip)
Download RPG Maker 2003's Help File from here, it will teach you everything about RPG Maker that you need to know.
RTP (rm2k3_rtp.zip)
This installer is needed for RPG Maker 2003 to work, as it holds many necessary files and resources.
RTP-Addon: Legend of Zelda (rm2k_rtpe_zelda.zip)
This installer adds a variety of Legend of Zelda Resources to your pre-existing RTP
Harmony.DLL (rm2k3_harmony.zip)
A very important file that is essential for RPG Maker Games to work, if a "Harmony.DLL not found" error occurs, this is what you need.
Fonts (rm2k3_fonts.zip)
Extract these fonts into your C:\Windows\Fonts folder if the text in your game looks squashed together/unreadable.

Idraw3 (other_idraw3.zip)
Idraw3 is the most commonly used graphics program for editing graphics for RPG Maker 2000/2003.
Irfanview (other_irfanview.zip)
IrfanView is another commonly used graphics editing program for RPG Maker 2000/2003.
One of its most useful features is adapting images with high resolutions into 256 bit color images so that they can be used in RPG Maker without almost any quality loss. All questions pertaining to invalid color depth and such can be solved by this program.
Animget (other_animeget.zip)
AnimGet is a utility that allows you to easily rip animations.
Once activated, it takes a screenshot of every frame (every time the screen refreshes) and allows easy access to the graphics you want to rip.
Yamp (other_yamp.zip)
This program gives you the capability to convert mp3 files to wav files or vice versa.
ResHack (other_reshack.zip)
ResHack is a great program that allows you to quickly and easily change your game's icon, glyphs, and even the three (or just one in RPG Maker 2003) splash screens before your game starts.
RmRecker Very similar to ResHack but not as commonly used. (other_reshack.zip)
RM2K Utility (other_rm2kutility.zip)
A utility containing many useful tools (such as dependency checker, project locker, and resource extractor).
The tools were mostly designed for RPG Maker 2000 use, but some can also be used for RPG Maker 2003.
Patch Maker 1.2 (other_patchmaker12.zip)
If you need to make an update patch for your game, this program provides a very easy means of doing so.
Installer Creator (other_installercreator.zip)
A program designed to make your game installable onto a user's computer, it is a more effective substitute for the 'Game Disk' function in RPG Maker 2000/2003.
(...Transposing this here because the fallback post seems to be down.
Added file tags incase I ever need to switch servers.)
1 comment:
Hey! The RM2k_Utility tool is unable to be accessed, I was looking to use the security feature.
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