"Blog 10: Shinobiya: A new future game that I may translate in the future
Hi everyone!
So, I was just reading Enu's latest blog (Enu is the creator of Hat World), and I stumbled onto this game called Shinobiya (忍屋) by Nanabuluku. It's being made in RPG Maker VX and hasn't been released yet, but a release date has been announced: Winter 2017. If we take that date from the Japanese point of view, it's some time between end 2016 and early 2017. Anyway, here's a preview video of the game by Nanabuluku herself:
Oh, and before I forget, here's the official website of this game.
Well, that's all from me then. Just wanted to post this to let people know of another one of great Japanese RPG Maker games out there. Till next time!
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